Saturday, June 8, 2019

You were made to Shine!

Hello dear friends,

You were designed with a purpose from God.   Did you know that before you were even born, God knew your name and had a special story to write about you?  What we need to remember each and every day is that our lives are unique and precious to God. Stop and think about where you and I would be at this very moment had God not allowed us to be born and we did not have a chance to live out this adventure called "life."  Wow, the very thought is tremendous and it affirms the powerful reality that we are here for a Reason! 

I want to simply challenge you today to ask God to help you realize your individual purpose.  It may take some endearing commitments or sacrifices, but when the revelation comes, you will begin to soar to newer and higher heights in the Kingdom of Heaven.  All of the heavenly hosts will rejoice with you as you begin to seek God's ways and eagerly pursue the plan of destiny He has prepared for you.  Do you ever stop and really think about the special qualities and abilities you have, that make you "you"?  It's fascinating and wonderful at the same time, that you and I have been designed and created for great and marvelous things.  All for the Glory of God, of course, and with that knowledge comes the willingness to serve others and to make God's Love known to all. 

With every turning point, there is refreshing change and growth.  It may sting a little or alot to leave the "past" behind.  It's so worth it!  Good or bad memories can keep us stuck in what used to be.  We have to raise the bar continuously, and say "Lord, I am pressing forward to the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus."  We can do what it takes to hear and obey God's leading in our lives.  Often it will mean learning to filter out the barrage of opinions and advice, as great as that is at times, because too much advice is just as bad as receiving none at all.  Let's decide today, to allow the Holy Spirit to sharpen our hearing and awaken the plan of heaven upon our lives.  The future begins with a step in the right direction today!  In the Bible, there is a verse that says...."in his heart a man plans his course, but it is the Lord who directs his steps."  Dear friend, you were made to Shine!

1 comment:

  1. Loved "We have to raise the bar continuously..." as well, "allowing the Holy Spirit to sharpen our hearing and awaken the plan of heaven upon our lives". The Lord sent your husband in that tent crusade recently in Douglasville, at a strategic time, bringing much confirmation to myself, as well as to our church ministries, who are reaching out for more of God's presence and the moving of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Blessings! Marilyn Oslin
